Saturday 31 March 2012

Initial Analysis of theme:

Address the issue/seed of conflict – ignorance/unwilling to learn about other cultures forms separation. It’s important to be open minded and try to disregard our westernized perspective… Or would this, realistically, be neglecting diversity? Cultural differences and diversity should be understood and appreciated, but also respected… “we don’t need to live together but a visit is nice”.

The project needs to be very accessible to the general public, otherwise it will have little chance to make a change to the perspectives of the masses. However, in making it accessible it is important that it also accommodates for the minorities. A very versatile yet actively multicultural space is then ideal.
Actively multicultural? I’m not sure if that is a great way to put it… Semi-passive design? 

When looking at Southbank, it is clear that it is very passive in its creation of a multicultural space. (Disregarding the commercial elements of the area, such as restaurants). It provides a very large mixed use space, with flexible utilities, non-offensive attractions, accessibility to all and heavy landscaping. Other than a few exceptions, it does not actively strive to be a multicultural space but due to the fact it has the aforementioned qualities, Southbank passively accommodates and attracts a wide range of cultures. 

HSW does not need to be (shouldn’t be) another south bank. There is not sufficient space or a need for another passive multicultural parkland. Instead, I propose a semi-passive multicultural solution to HSW. One which directly strives to break down cultural boundaries, as well as providing a direct service to the wider community; for this to be done successfully, it MUST be non-offensive.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Week 5: Theme Group Introduction

As my first impressions of Davor shift from intimidation to inspiration, similarly was there a shift in my enthusiasm regarding multi-culturally design. The flood gates of ideas were opened. 

I was glad to have the chance to reflect (in the tutorial) on why I had chosen Group 9: Inter-Cultural Community. Although it wasn’t a hard thing to realize, as my motives were strong, it is something I may not have done without Davor’s prompting. 

The main reasons for which I chose this theme group are:

-  - -Throughout my degree I have struggled with the idea of making my architectural concepts accessible to the public and I feel this theme will aid in my understanding of that.
      -Some of my original folie concepts revolved around a mixed use community space. 

           - I have a passion for science and nature and I strongly believe these two factors can be very influential to successful multiculturalism.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Week 2:
During the tutorial this week, much debate, discussion and mild disagreements led to an inhanced understanding of the fundamental principals of learning relevant to us as a group. To ensure successful ideation process, we individually analysed what learning meant to us, and combined/brainstormed on the colaborative

Sunday 4 March 2012

Week 1:

After having done preliminary site analysis but yet to have the first DAB510 tutorial, an initial concept was created. The following awaits the opinion of my group and tutor.


The folie aims to activate the HSW area through the bridging of gaps in communication; these gaps are vastly present throughout Brisbane’s current social, cultural and political state. Whether these gaps exist intentionally or not, many of them hinder the progress in the respective elements of Brisbane. The folie will give users of the space (a broad range of demographics) the opportunity to:

- Passively reflect on what is important to them and how these things could be improved.

- Efficiently express ideas and issues on public forum to aid event organization.

- Actively participate in a wide range of public activity, focusing on bridging lost connections. For example, public Q&A sessions regarding local political matters or a presentation space for emerging Brisbane artists that require exposure. 

The folie will bring the HSW area to life, enhancing the immediate area as well as connecting and enhancing Brisbane’s social, cultural and political potential with the public. To achieve this space for ‘communicating’ the folie must be versatile in use, both passively and actively, whilst also incorporating the important and relevant surrounding context. 


Taking strong influence from the contrast between the cliffs and the river and exaggerating their differences, the folie will selectively encompass the sites context to enhance the concept.
Exaggerating the contrast between the hard, tall, rigid cliffs and the soft, flowing flat river while showing definite physical linking of these elements will metaphorically representing the aforementioned concept.

I am sure this will change a lot once discussed with the Folie project group, but I am looking forward to bring the ideas to the group at the Week 2 tutorial.