Friday 18 May 2012

After having analyzed the requirements of the proposed cyclic art factory system, preliminary floor plans were created. These are showing the main built spaces, and do not show all the smaller spaces created amongst the voids. These will be further evaluated after these plans are evaluated.


 Section through the center of the structure. Louvers and openings are shown on the walls and roof.

This is a condensed concept diagram. It shows the proposed system and a preliminary spatial arrangement.  The cyclic system is culturally self adaptive in nature, ensuring versatility and maximizing the public benefit of the development.

Thursday 10 May 2012

This is a concept render from my revisited design, post project 2. This historical qualities of the site and shed are having a larger influence on the design. The size of the public roof landscape have been greatly reduced for a more realistic and overall effective response. The spatial/experiential qualities and utility of  proposition are being maintained but in a more thought-out and efficient manor.

Friday 4 May 2012

I have a lot to comment and elaborate on in terms of clarifying my presentation content, so I will progressively do so when I can.

As a general overview, I feel my main flaws were in poor communication.

Thursday 3 May 2012